Folktellers Studios Storytelling for Literacy Program

The fantasy film series has been written and designed to engage students in the interactive art of storytelling, emphasizing that we all have an important story to tell, while promoting the love of reading and film making.
We’ve partnered with Emagine Entertainment to launch our Storytelling for Literacy Program. This all-inclusive, educator’s kit has been designed to engage students in the art of storytelling using multimedia. It may be integrated into any standard elementary or middle school curriculum. What’s great is that all the program materials are included in our Storytelling for Literacy media kit. Students are bused to an Emagine movie theatre, where they will watch a classic movie and learn how to create their own book-inspired videos. Their productions are then screened at an award ceremony the following year also at Emagine.
In the Folktellers Universe, whoever holds the story wields power.
In addition, we’ve also created a Homeschool version of the program to address the growing needs of at-home educators.
Educators can order a classroom kit that includes everything they need to participate:
- A book for each student
- Participant awards
- 1 first-place winners award
- Red carpet runner
- Program instructions
- Access to support materials and best practices
The program supports the following educational disciplines:
- Reading and Literacy
- Writing Composition
- Geography, International Studies and World Cultures
- Multimedia Communications
- Team Dynamics and Public Speaking
- Self-Empowerment and Self-Esteem Building
The ultimate goal is to promote visual literacy - the ability to read, write and create visual images using technology.
It is a concept that relates to art and design but it also has much wider applications. Visual literacy is about language, communication and interaction. Visual media is a linguistic tool with which children communicate, exchange ideas and navigate through our highly visual digital world. As they read from the Guidebook Series, either individually or as a group, students will create their own video stories using characters and themes for the books.
Duration:This flexible, easy-to-facilitate program allows for teachers to blend it into their existing curriculum over the course of the school year.
Program Capstone
The capstone project for this program will be a storytelling movie contest.
Students will use themes from the Guidebook Series, working with teams or as individuals, to produce their own movie trailer (usually no more than 2-3 minutes in length). Final video trailers may be voted on within the classroom or school with FOLKIE Awards given out to all participants using materials from the Storytelling for Literacy media kit. Participants may also submit their video entries to the national FOLKIE Awards, which are announced annually in late February to coincide with OSCAR week in Hollywood. Our national winner will receive a grand prize, including a special Folktellers visit to their participating school.

Resource Materials
Everything required to run this program is included in the Storytelling for Literacy media kit:
- 30 books per classroom
- 30 participant awards
- 30 Folktellers bookmarks
- 1 first-place winner award/li>
- Red carpet runner
- Team Dynamics and Public Speaking
- Program instructions

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